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Awakening the Spirit, Issue #011 -- Becoming a Global Human February 15, 2009 |
Becoming a Global HumanDear Beings of Light, When I sit down to write for you, I always wonder what I will say that will have any meaning for you. Then I take a look into my own life at the issues I am working with myself. Inevitably I will find something that seems like it needs a voice. And that is what I ask my teachers to help me write about. This month, the subject is “the global human and the development of the light body”. And here is what my own spirit teachers have to say on the subject. In your mind, you are the tag end souls of the universe sent to toil in suffering and death on planet earth. To us, you are magnificent beings who hold in your hands and your hearts and your minds the vast creative potential of the universe. You are the Michaelangelos of your planet. Every one of you who has taken a step towards realizing your own brilliance (and you would not be here reading this if you hadn't) is to be commended beyond your highest imagination. We want to say to you that you are on the right path. We do know that it is sometimes hard for each of you as individuals to see that. But what you all sometimes miss in your observations of what is happening around you is that you are not individuals. You are cells in a global body which is more intelligent than you even know. Your global body is waking up. She is reaching for her own enlightenment and she is taking you with her - if you want to go. If you do want to go, then hang on for the ride. If you don’t want to go, then she will slough you off and you will no longer matter. The new president of the United States, Mr. Obama, ran his campaign on a platform of change. Dearly Beloveds, you all know that change is the single hardest thing for most of you to do. And, at the same time, change is the only thing that is constant on your planet. You are now being asked to live your entire life “in the groove”. It is the easiest place for you to be. For, if you are anywhere else, you will be banged about and injured. But if you stay in the groove, in other words, if you make yourself available to the effects of the global changes which WILL happen, you will survive intact and not just intact but transformed into something you never imagined when you took embodiment this time around. The global human is being born out of the tribal human. The tribal human is leaving the planet. Just look around at where the wars and famines are on your planet. They are among the tribes – tribes which fight among each other. These tribes have been in this fight and under the burden of disease and starvation for so long that they accept it as a normal way of being. We tell you IT IS NOT. It was merely one step in your path of development toward the global human. Again look around you. There are those among you who decry globalization as being an evil thing. But we say to you that globalization is simply a by-product of the process of you becoming the global human. Every part of your planet is now connected with every other part of your planet. There are no more dense impenetrable jungles or frozen wastes where humanity has not gone. You have explored every nook and cranny of your planet. You have evolved from the isolated human living in a tribe in the middle of the frozen tundra to a global human connected at the touch of a button to the entire world. And, for the most part, these changes have happened in the last 150 years – simply the blink of an eye in the complete scope of your evolution. Your planet is developing a new nervous system. And this new nervous system consists of a network of light which continues to grow at an astounding rate – much larger and faster than anyone ever imagined it would. This network of light - this new planetary nervous system - is only the precursor to the development of your “light body.” For, indeed, within the lifetime of many of you who are reading this right now, the light body will become a reality. You will become beings of light rather than beings of flesh and bone. You will retain your general size and shape but your density will decrease from that of bone and blood to that of light. There are those among you on the planet who have already attained such light bodies. Others are working diligently toward this condition. We encourage you to find out all you can about these beings for they are the ones who will lead you into your future. May you create much light in your life during the coming month. Well, I hope this will take you through the next month. It would be great to know if this newsletter has been of benefit to you. Let us know by clicking here.. Also, we have a new feature to share with you at the website. It’s called The Community Room.. You can click into it HERE. Please take some time to browse through all the “nooks” we’ve made available in The Community Room.. Also feel free to make your own creative contributions wherever you feel motivated to do so. Your contributions will become a page on the website and you may then direct your friends and family to view them online. Until next month – be the peace you want to see in the world. Meg Colby
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