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Awakening the Spirit, Issue #015 -- On a Spiritual Path June 17, 2009 |
On a Spiritual PathDear Beings of Light, When I sit down to write for you, I always wonder what I will say that will have any meaning for you. Then I take a look into my own life at the issues I am working with myself. Inevitably I will find something that seems like it needs a voice. And that is what I ask my teachers to help me write about. This month, the subject is “On a Spiritual Path”. And here is what my own spirit teachers have to say on the subject. We speak now specifically to your readers. We ask that you, dear readers, call upon us also. The channel calls upon us many times in her day. We ask that you begin to do the same. We are here for all of you – not just for the channel. We are aware that you and your planet are going through one of the most profound upliftings that has ever occurred since the beginning of your time. We are here to help you with this shift of your energetic patterns. Are you feeling that you do not know quite where to turn for guidance? Turn to us. Ask us when you are in a state of confusion. Say to us, Dear Ananda, I know you are present with me right now. Please help me to understand what is happening to me. Say to us, please help me to cope with the changes that are happening to me. Ask us if we will be your guide for the day or the week or the month. And we will. We, Ananda, are a group of beings who have many attributes and abilities available within us. We can help you with your healing processes. We can help you learn what you need to know to make changes in your life. We can help you with difficult energetic patterns when they arise for you. We can help find your way when you feel lost. Ananda is vast. Ananda is love. Ananda is available. Ananda wants you to ask. Ask directly or ask through the channel. It does not matter to us. Either way will work both for us and for you. We do not want the channel to become overwhelmed with your requests. She did not know that we would say this to you today. But we want to assure her also that we will be there helping her as she helps you with your difficulties. The energy of Ananda never varies in its presence. It is always here. It is always available. It is always willing to answer your questions and to provide guidance on various subjects. As we say these things to you through the channel, she is a little uncomfortable with what we are saying. She feels that we might be soliciting business for her. Well, in a sense we are. We want her to be very successful in what she does. But what we are really doing is making sure that you, her readers, know that we are available to you either through her or directly on your own. If you, dear reader, feel the need for some help, do not hesitate to be in communication with the channel via her web site. She makes it very easy for you to solicit her readings which are just her channelings from us. Now, enough about us. Let’s talk about you. Where is life taking you today? Are you on the spiritual path you really want to be on? Do you even feel that you are on a spiritual path? Many don’t feel that way. Many feel that a spiritual path is for those who are more, you know, spiritual. Well, how do you think they got that way? They walked the path of spirit. And that is what we are encouraging you to do. Spirit takes many forms on your planet. I’m sure you know this since most of your wars have been fought over that very thing. What many people do not yet seem to recognize is that any one of the many, many spiritual paths which have emerged over the past several thousand years is perfectly alright. Worry not where or how your neighbor makes her connection with spirit. Worry only with your own connection. Make certain that you have one. That is most important. But also be aware that you do not have to keep the same connection for the whole of your life. For as you change, as your needs change, your will be able to recognize different aspects of spirit. One of the things we want you to know is that in the spirit world, we have only your best interest at heart. Some of you feel that there are demons out here where we are. That’s nonsense planted in your mind by those who want nothing more than to control you. They warn you that if you step off the path, their path, you will find all sorts of bad things waiting for you. To that we say, bah! The only demons you will ever encounter are those who try to control you and the demons created within you by your own experiences in life. But that is a subject for another day. Today, we just want you to know that we are here for you either through the channel or on your own. Please use us as we want to help you. Again, we know that your world is undergoing many seemingly incomprehensible changes right now. We will help you understand what is happening. May your day be filled with love and light and pleasure and joy. Blessed be.
Well, I hope this will take you through the next month. It would be great to know if this information has been of benefit to you. Let us know by clicking here. Come to the website and visit us at The Community Room. You can also click into it HERE. Take some time to browse through all the “nooks” we’ve made available in The Community Room. Feel free to make your own creative contributions wherever you feel motivated to do so. Your contributions will become a page on the website and you may then direct your friends and family to view them online. Until next month – be the peace you want to see in the world. Meg Colby
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